Physics Computer Support Center

Physics Department, Kansas State University


The Physics Computing Support Center was established in 1997 to bring order to the chaos that then reigned over computing in the Physics department. It was originally known as the Physics Computer Support Team, and grew out of our electronics repair shop. It has long since absorbed the old shop and become critical to the operation of the department. PCSC provides both hardware and software support to the Physics department (and to several other KSU units).

General computing in Physics is based on Windows desktops and an extensive Windows Server and Exchange "back office". A wide range of productivity software is available. Several research networks of Linux machines are supported, as are several high-performance computing clusters.

PCSC is overseen by the department's Computing committee. The committee usually meets about once a semester and is chaired by Lado Samushia.


There are minimum requirements your computer must meet before being connected to the Physics network. Please consult these requirements before purchasing a machine or asking PCSC for support.

New Users:

If you are new to the Physics Department, welcome! We have tutorials to get you started in video form, as a PowerPoint presentation, as a traditional tutorial web page or as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list. Be sure to explore the menu sidebar of this site for many links to tutorials or other resources to get you started. As always, specific questions can be directed to us at
